Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Battle That Is Punk Rock

There's a never ending battle over what's punk, whether or not punk is dead, and if punk is dead, who killed it? So, I've been thinking for awhile about expressing my opinions on it. First thing is first, the people who tell you that Blink - 182 is a punk band probably couldn't tell you what building this picture above was taken in. The building is 924 Gilman Street, an all ages punk, and ska club out in the East Bay. Think Blink is punk and didn't know that? Start researching. Now, don't get me wrong, I have an average appreciation for Blink - 182 but they're by no means punk.

Punk has always been something generally undefinable. There's never been a single definition of it that's entirely accurate. So, to attempt to classify something as punk or not punk is saying that you can tell someone that they are or aren't something that you're not even capable of defining. Does this make my above statement hypocritical? Kind of.

Although punk can't be defined in it's entirety there are obvious distinctions that can be made. Clearly no one would tell you that Beyonce was punk. To me, that's just as obvious as not considering Blink - 182 punk. Punk has always in some way shape or form been about being different and rebelling against something, whether it's popular society or something political, etc. Blink - 182 covers the typical angst-y relationship trouble and general teenage - like depression that lots of pop - rock bands cover. Now, when I say pop rock please don't mistake it for pop - punk. Pop - punk is punk rock with a melodic twist that most Hardcore - punk doesn't have.

So, while you can never have a precise definition of what is punk or not there are some things that I feel are just undeniably punk or not punk.

Is punk rock dead? This question goes back to the definition of punk. Can you consider something dead when you can't even define it? This is debatable. On one hand I can see how most people feel. I was never alive in the punk rock era but I have a HUGE respect for it. There's no way we'll never have bands like the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys, the Replacements, Hüsker Dü, the Clash or Operation Ivy ever again (to name a few). But there's the other part of me that hopes that maybe there'll be a band that gets it right again. The only hope is that Gilman Street and CBGB can start pumpin out some good punk again. The scenes are still there, they just need a good kick in the ass.

Here's to hoping Punk rock isn't totally dead.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peter Facinelli

Oi! I'm officially declaring this a new obsession. My list of obsessions includes Green Day, Muse, Doctor Who, music, Steak and Shake, and Starbucks. Well, it's officially time that I add Peter Facinelli to my list of obsessions. He's the only person in the Twilight movies that has any talent what-so-ever, he plays the marvelous Doctor Cooper on Nurse Jackie, and he was in Arc which is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I'm still checking things out, but it's legit. I'm obsessed with Peter Facinelli! =]

My name is Coop
Do doodilee doop
I'm a Doctor
Cuz I got patients
But I don't have patience...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Doctor Carlisle Cullen

First of all, let me just say that I hate Twilight. I hate the number of Muse "fans" it's attracted, simply because these people are not fans. They know 3 many of their songs are in the Twilight movies. I would like to add that the ONLY person that is attractive in these movies is Carlisle, played by Peter Facinelli. EDWARD IS NOT ATTRACTIVE. So, the only reason I have to go to these movies now is Doctor Cullen. Without him these movies would seriously be completely worthless. Cast more people like Peter Facinelli and maybe the movie would be slightly more tolerable.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random Musings...

So the beginning of this summer has had it's ups and downs. I've yet to post anything that's a complete ramble so I figured I'd give it a go now. Last Friday was a half day...which I spent the last half of completely consumed in Green Day Rockband. Which, I will have you now, is insanely addictive. At one point I'm very proud to say that I was sixth in the world for Warning on the leader boards. I'm sure people have beat me now, but it was a glorious triumph while it lasted. The weekend passed by like any other, doing hardly anything because my family thinks it's fun to sit at home and do ABSOLUTELY nothing...ever. My one escape however was my best friend's graduation/birthday party. The evening included quite the game of truth or dare, and a massive FAKE sexual assault out in the parking lot. That was fun... did I mention I was the victim? In all seriousness though it was the highlight of my weekend. Things were going okay until yesterday. I hit a wall, a wall I'm willing to guess was many miles thick. Upon hitting this wall I found myself crying and very sick to my stomach. Someone I care very deeply for is quite possibly in a horrible predicament and I can't stand the thought of it. I do have someone to thank though for helping through it. It's still a process but I'm getting there, and staying hopeful. Here's to hoping the rest of the summer improves and that this was all just some awful rumor.

Friday, June 11, 2010

FIFA World Cup

Hart, James, Green
Ferdinand, Terry, A. Cole, Upson, G. Johnson, Carragher, Warnock, King, Dawson
Barry, Gerrard, Carrick, Wright-Phillips, Lampard, J. Cole, Milner, Lennon
Rooney, Defoe, Crouch, Heskey

England Is definitely gonna woop every on in the World Cup...just saying.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Yes, it's that lovely time of year. Today our school held it's graduation ceremony. I watched my best friend walk to get her diploma, decked out in her cap and gown. Emotions struck me more than I would've imagined. I figured with this summer, and the hopes that I would be able to see her throughout her college life I thought I could handle her leaving high school. Instead I fought back tears at graduation, and I'm ashamed to say that it's because I don't like other people to see me cry. I truly hope that she knows how much I care about her, and how much I'm going to miss her. Even as I type this up tears are welling in my eyes. Kylie, you've been there with me through a lot. You know things about me I wouldn't dream about telling anyone else and I'm proud to call you my best friend. This post is scattered but it's not an english essay so who cares, you get the point.

I wish you the best of luck at college. I know you'll be successful, there's no doubt in my mind of that. You have your beliefs and I know you'll stick to them. If you change as a person I know that it'll only be for the better. Promise me one thing, promise me that your graduation party won't be the last time I see you. Even if the only way we talk is through Skype or Facebook, you have to promise me you won't forget me. You've changed my life for the better, and you've helped me with all of my insecurities. As I started saying back in sixth grade,

I love you in a non-sexual way.

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Doctor Who

Oh Dear Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, you made Doctor Who so ridiculously fantastic. Christopher Eccleston did a good job bringing the series back as the Ninth Doctor, but you were truly fantastic. I honestly tried to continue the series after you left but I can't do it. Matt Smith is said to be good by some people. I personally feel that he goes a little over the top... Now, that being said, who could fill David's shoes? David Tennant was the perfect balance of humor, wit, charm, and emotion for the doctor, not over the top in a single bit of it. I can't even begin to express how much I miss the Tenth Doctor....grrrrr, so this is my half venting post...I'll probably end up editing it later and adding much more complaining but I've got a nasty english paper to write...